2025 15th Yunnan International Building and Decoration Materials Exposition

Time: May 16-18, 2025 Venue: Kunming Dianchi International Exhibition Center

Before Opening

Extra Services

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○ Advertising space in the conference magazine: 500 words of company introduction - free of charge; Full page text costs 1000 yuan; Cover -20000 yuan; Back cover -15000 yuan; 2nd cover-12000 yuan; Title page -10000 yuan; 3rd cover -10000 yuan; Colored inner pages -5000 yuan; Black and white inner pages -3000 yuan

○ Other advertisements: truss advertisements at the exhibition site cost 350 yuan/square meter; 20000 yuan/50000 tickets; 25000 yuan/30000 invitation cards; Visitor's certificate costs 100000 yuan/exclusive "Detailed information on on-site wall advertisements and other advertisements is available upon request"

○ Technical lecture: RMB 5000 per session (every 45 minutes).

○ Conference fee: RMB 500 per person (including exhibition materials, drinks, lunch, gifts, etc.).